Tri For Change with danceaid – 27th-28th July 2019
Join us at the start line of the London Triathlon as an individual, or form a relay team, by completing the form at the bottom of this page, or download the entry form NOW! Places are limited and always go quicker than hotcakes so don’t delay to avoid disappointment! Read on and watch the videos below to find out more about this incredible weekend with Team Danceaid…
Trust us, taking part in the world’s biggest triathlon is an exhilarating experience that will stay with you for life. And the great thing about it is, it doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an experienced triathlete. With varying distance options, this event is fantastic for people of all abilities. Danceaid’s first ever team was made up entirely of novices, and they loved it so much many are now regulars!
Although the reasons people do a triathlon differ, the benefits are universal. The process of training and completing a triathlon is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do in your life, not just physically, but mentally, spiritually and socially as well. Ask anyone who has done a triathlon, and they will tell you the same thing.

Lee – ‘We felt really well supported by danceaid who sent out regular training & fundraising tips to help us reach our goals.’
And the great thing is that whilst it may transform your life, the training will not consume your life. It can easily fit into the busiest schedule and still guarantees you will lose weight, tone-up, feel better than ever, and boost your self-confidence sky-high!
As a Triathlete-in-Training you need to prepare for the fact that your regular clothes will become too big because training for a three-sport event will make you as fit and healthy as you have ever been in your life. Engaging in a well-balanced program of swimming, cycling and running (cross-training), you will burn an enormous amount of fat from every area of your body.
Better yet, the weight will come off as a natural consequence of your passion-driven quest to complete a triathlon, rather than from a guilt-induced diet, a boring exercise plan or a bizarre fitness implement.
Here are the distance options available;
- Supersprint – 400m swim, 10km cycle, 2.5km run
- Sprint – 750m swim, 20km cycle, 5km run
- Olympic – 1500m swim, 40km cycle, 10km run
- Olympic Plus – 1500m swim, 80km cycle, 10km run
- Team relay – Two or three of you can join forces to conquer the Sprint or Olympic distances.
Don’t worry if you can’t decide which distance option to go for, just get your name down quick by filling out the interest form at the bottom of this page or by submitting your completed entry form! Once you’re registered, you have until June to decide which distance to tackle, and to pay your deposit of £75 (individual), or £50 (per team place) to danceaid. Your deposit guarantees your place and includes your fast-dry team top and race pack. Your fundraising targets are £500 per individual, or £750 per team, so once you’re registered, hit ‘Start Fundraising’ and select ‘Personal Challenge’ on Virgin Money Giving and rally the support of friends, family and colleagues to get you across the finish line! Participants must be 17+ to enter. We look forward to welcoming you into #TeamDanceaid!
See how Ashley and Wolf from Parallel got on in their Triathlon;
Here’s what some of our entrants from previous years have had to say;
Holly – ‘I was confident that with sufficient training I could just about make it to the finish line of the Sprint. What I was less confident about was hitting my fundraising target of £500, but I was pleasantly surprised. After a few emails and Facebook posts, I was bowled over by the generosity of friends, family and colleagues and I beat my target 10days before race day!’
Ashley – ‘Unfortunately I had been working abroad up until the week before the triathlon so I had very little time to train and get the necessary gear together. Luckily a second-hand wetsuit arrived courtesy of e-bay two days beforehand and I borrowed a mate’s bike. I was worried as I made my way there that I wouldn’t finish due to my lack of training but it was such a relaxed, uncompetitive atmosphere I breezed through the race and somehow finished with a very respectable time!’
Rob & Abi – ‘We had never done anything like this but were intrigued and up for a challenge so we (over?!)ambitiously signed up for the Olympic. We trained mostly at weekends with occasional bouts of enthusiasm after work. When we started training we thought we had bitten off more that we could chew but the more we trained, the more we could do, and as we hit training targets, our confidence grew. Close friends didn’t believe we would finish. WE SHOWED THEM!!! And we’ll never forget the feeling of crossing the finish line and standing up on that podium!’
Neil – ‘I thought the event would be full of serious, seasoned triathletes but there was a real mix of people and abilities including many other first-timers, and the atmosphere was awesome. The support of the danceaid volunteers on the day was incredible too. They were by far the loudest bunch and if it wasn’t for their constant shouts of support and encouragement I’m not sure I’d have made it across the finish line!’
Laura – ‘Altogether the danceaid dreamteam swam 8750m, cycled 230km, and ran 57.5km and by doing so raised nearly FIVE THOOOOUUUSAND pounds to transform the lives of orphaned, poor and disabled children.’
What are you waiting for? Join the team, get fit, make a difference! Download the entry form, email or fill in the form below NOW!