As a little girl, I grew up watching my local pantomime, always dreaming that one day I would be dancing in it. This year I made that dream come true thanks to an amazing opportunity. Experiencing the enjoyment of the whole process; entertaining hundreds of families a night, making life long friends and evolving as […]
View PostHalf Marathon – By Rachel Nash
Hampton Court Half Marathon Although I enjoyed running throughout my school years, I never ever expected to be run half a marathon! After lots and lots of persuasion from my older sister, I eventually signed up! I saw the challenge as a personal one, whilst supporting the work of two charities close to my heart, […]
View PostRunning the 2012 Liverpool Marathon for danceaid

I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the talent of the dancers I have seen and met through supporting danceaid. They are incredibly athletic, agile and with a natural sense of rhythm and feel for music. I’m not sure any of the words in that last sentence have ever been used to describe […]
View PostMatt’s Marathon Mission for danceaid – Chester 2012

The Facts On October 7th 2012 I ran the Chester full Marathon to raise money for Danceaid in a time of 3 hrs 33 mins and raised £770 (£890 inc gift aid) Why I did it for Danceaid After another awesome day of exhilarating sporting action (followed by a great night out in Birmingham after) […]
View PostKilimanjaro – the highest moment of my life

The story begins with Facebook – as many stories seem to these days…. You have a new event invite! Climb Kilimanjaro in 2012! Accept, Decline or Maybe? Such a simple choice… such a life changing experience! The countdown starts and with 12 months to go and a number of challenges under my belt I was […]
View PostYep, danceaid does the London Triathlon

2012 was the year that danceaid took the plunge, in many respects, and embraced the challenge of the London Triathlon. The London Triathlon isn’t actually just one event though – it’s a whole series of different races and distances… The Super-Sprint is a 400m swim, a 10km bike ride and a 2.5km run. The Sprint is […]
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