Josh West was the London Bus Driver selected by the BBC to travel to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, to experience working in ‘The Toughest Place To Be … A Bus Driver’. Whilst making the first documentary Josh was deeply moved by the vastly different living and working conditions he experienced in Manila and he wanted to do something to change things. He contacted danceaid to see how we could work together to provide education, opportunity and hope to children and families forced to live and work on the streets of Manila to earn enough money to survive.
Since then he has been incredibly active in helping danceaid fundraise and #makeadifference to the street children of Manila in particular.
‘When I came back it wasn’t always easy for others to fully appreciate the situation and why I wanted to help so desperately. It is fantastic to find an organisation that is so dedicated and passionate to help and that really understands what needs to be done. I’m delighted to work with danceaid’
To find out more about Josh follow him on Facebook and Twitter (@Westy89) and read about his projects and work with danceaid here